The section of a re-flow oven held at maximum temperature. Other zones include per-heat and cooling.
Hole_VoidA void in the metallic deposit of a plated through-hole exposing the base material.
Hole_Pull_StrengthThe force necessary to rupture a plated through-hole when loaded or pulled in the direction of the axis of the hole.
Hole_PatternThe arrangement of all holes in a printed board.
Hole_LocationThe dimensional location of the centre of a hole.
Hole_DensityThe quantity of holes in a printed circuit board per unit area.
HygroscopicThe ability of a material to absorb and retain moisture from the air.
Hole_BreakoutA condition in which a hole is not completely surrounded by the land.
Hipot_TestWherein the assembly or component undergoes a high potential (ac) current.
Heel,BondingThe part of a lead adjacent to a termination that has been deformed by the edge of the bonding tool.
Heat_SinkAny device that absorbs and draws off heat from a hot object, radiating it into the surrounding atmosphere.
Heat_and_pullA de-soldering method using a device that grasps, heats and pulls the leads to be removed.
HASLHot Air Solder Level (See Solder Leveling)
Haloing_MechanicallyInduced fracturing or de-lamination on or below the surface of the base material, it is usually exhibited by a light area around holes, other machined areas, or both.
Halogenated_polyesterA polyester resin modified with halogens to reduce flammability.
HalidesCompounds containing fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine, which may be part of the activators in the flux system and must be cleaned.
H.D.IHigh Density Interconnect.